The actual buys and sell decisions are the easy part.
The most annoying (yet by far the most important) questions to anybody who wants to be successful in trading are:
- What are your beliefs about the market
- What is your objective
- What is your risk tolerance?
The actual buys and sell decisions are the easy part.
I have been talking about these concepts in various webinars and newsletters and felt that there is nothing wrong with reinforcing these concepts. If you are someone who is still looking for new concepts, fresh scanners or feel unhappy with your approach, then it is a clear sign that you need to work with a few or all of the concepts mentioned above.
Let me give you an example. As a kid, most of us would not have realised the importance of brushing our teeth and when our parents force us to do it, we might have felt lazy or might end up doing it grudgingly.
But once you grow up, I am sure none of us needs any prompting from parents or spouse to brush our teeth. Irrespective of where you are and what you are doing, brushing the teeth (at least once a day) has been a habit. Ask yourself how this happened. You were not enjoying this activity as a kid but now it has become sort of second nature.
The point here is that you have now realised the importance of this activity and you realise its beneļ¬t as well. So, this activity happens automatically now. The same concept is relevant to trading too.
Once you identify the above three concepts relevant to you and develop methods to suit these aspects, then trading gets into auto-pilot mode. You will stop looking around for fresh ideas or concepts because you have discovered your sweet spot.
Until you discover this, you are not going to feel settled as a trader.
successful traders stick to a particular method and trade it. They will not keep sharing multiple methods or concepts. The key here is they have already addressed the 3 points mentioned above.
It is now your turn to do the same. If you are not sure, talk to others who are successful in trading, and they can help you in this aspect.

Founder & Director - Market Mantra99
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Very important and very well explained. Thanks
Dec 04, 2022 11:41