JSW Energy - A multibagger in the making?
We have the culture of picking multibagger at the right time. We had recommended CDSL as our top Diwali Pick at Rs 480 in Nov 2020 which has more than doubled in 7 months (Current closing is Rs. 960 as of 23 June 2021).
We once again have a similar stock in the energy sector - JSW ENERGY.
Below is Half yearly setup for JSW Energy as per the MM99 analytics system. There is a possible formation of HLC Higher towards the end of the current half-year with a Higher Gap.
Half yearly setup of JSW Energy
Below is the quarterly setup of JSW Energy as per MM99 Systems. There is a possible formation of the Green zone along with a Higher Gap towards the end of this quarter.
Quarterly setup of JSW Energy
Based on the above price setup and timeframe, we have targets of 500 - 750 -900 Rs. for JSW Energy for the next 2-3 years.
Current Closing: Rs. 161.4
Recom Price: We recommend buying in two parts. One at current price and other around Rs 120 - 130 range.
Expected Return: Between 200 to 450 %
Target (Rs.) : 500 - 700 - 900.
Stop Loss: Rs. 110 on a closing basis.
We recommend buying a minimum of 100 shares of JSWENERGY for a holding period of 3 years.
Notes: The contents herein mentioned are solely for informational and educational purposes. Market Mantra99 accepts no liabilities for any loss or damage of any kind arising out of any actions taken in reliance thereon.

Founder & Director - Market Mantra99
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Rohan Sir, I have bought 500 shares with your recommendation. This is first time in my trading career that I have seen a rise of 50% in my stocks post buying. You are a true inspiration. I thank you for giving me the confidence once again. Sachin Tambe - From Pune
Jul 27, 2021 20:06Fabulous Sir....I have become your raving fan. Post your recommendation the stock has rallied more then 50% . From 160 to 255 in less then 30 days. A big fan of your ideas . MM99 a true visionary
Jul 27, 2021 19:58Nice article and interesting analysis @Rohan Shinde .
Jun 28, 2021 21:18Mind blowing System. We are interesting in PMC account. Dhanyawad 🙏😌🙏
Jun 24, 2021 23:11